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New Modified HIPAA Compliance during the COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic Emergency

1 hrs 0 min
Mark Brengelman

Medical records and protected health information laws are well known in the health care professions. Exceptions have always existed to these privacy laws, such as those for law enforcement and for public health purposes.

In the face of the global pandemic of the COVID- 19 coronavirus, additional exceptions are being moved to the forefront of HIPAA confidentiality with relaxed enforcement of the HIPAA rules as announced by the Department of Health and Human Services.

These are called notices of enforcement discretion. Does this mean that the rule is no longer in effect? Does it mean the rule is in effect, but the government enforcement officials will “look the other way” at this time?

While the basic provisions of privacy for protected health information are well known, their application as new exceptions for the COVID-19 coronavirus emergency must be examined from the perspective of the health care practitioner in light of relaxed enforcement announcements from the federal Department of Health and Human Services.

Erase the fear, uncertainty, and doubt about the current status of the COVID-19 coronavirus exceptions for HIPAA and the application of HIPAA privacy exceptions for public health activities and law enforcement now in effect that transcend local, state, and national governments. This new webinar covers the modified HIPAA privacy in light of the COVID-19 coronavirus emergency pandemic.

Who Will Benefit:

Health care attorneys; hospital directors; public health officials; emergency department workers; directors of nursing; corporate compliance officers in health care; medical records staff of medical offices and health care entities; hospital attorneys; health care practitioners who are covered entities; law enforcement officers in health care compliance; state boards and agencies with jurisdiction over state licenses to practice a health care profession

Areas Covered in the Session:

Agenda Lecture

  • The basics of HIPAA privacy;
  • The basics of HIPAA privacy for public health exceptions and for law enforcement exceptions;
  • Notices of Enforcement Discretion for Community-based Testing Sites;
  • Notices of Enforcement Discretion for Business Associates;
  • Notice of Enforcement Discretion for Telehealth;
  • Sampling of telehealth privacy and security rules for mental health practitioners in addition to HIPAA rules;
  • Public health exceptions during a declared emergency;
  • Summary of a health care practitioner's perspective.
Why you should attend:

This new webinar covers the modified HIPAA privacy in light of the COVID-19 coronavirus emergency pandemic.

In today’s health care world, medical records and protected health information laws are well known in the health care professions, and this new webinar covers the basics of HIPAA privacy as a start to the material. Exceptions have always existed to these privacy laws, such as those for law enforcement and for public health purposes, which will be reviewed in summary.

The World Health Organization has declared a COVID-19 pandemic emergency as well as the United States. Every state in the Union has also declared a public health emergency under state law. 

In the face of the global pandemic of the COVID-19 coronavirus, additional exceptions are being moved to the forefront of HIPAA confidentiality with relaxed enforcement of the HIPAA rules as announced by the Department of Health and Human Services.

Health care providers who are moving out of necessity to on-line health care services are being given a break on confidentiality, security, and privacy issues under HIPAA at this time during the declared emergency. These are called notices of enforcement discretion. Does this mean that the rule is no longer in effect? Does it mean the rule is in effect, but the government enforcement officials will “look the other way” at this time?

This new webinar will review the most important, current Notices of Enforcement Discretion, including those applicable to community-based testing sites, business associates, and telehealth.

With specific regard to telehealth, the health care practitioner must not ignore applicable state laws on the provision of mental health services via electronic methods because those state laws exist independent of the federal HIPAA laws now being the subject of relaxed enforcement at the federal level. This webinar will summarize a sampling of state laws governing tele-practice so those attending can see examples and can ask in their own jurisdiction what similar laws still apply to them in their own state or jurisdiction.

Take this webinar to erase the fear, uncertainty, and doubt about the current status of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic emergency and the exceptions for HIPAA and the application of HIPAA privacy exceptions for public health activities and law enforcement now in effect that transcend local, state, and national governments.

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Speaker Profile

Mark R. Brengelman became interested in law when he graduated with both Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Philosophy from Emory University in Atlanta. He earned a Juris Doctorate from the University of Kentucky College of Law. Mark became an Assistant Attorney General in Kentucky in the area of administrative and professional law as the assigned counsel and prosecuting attorney to numerous health professions licensure boards.

He retired from state government, became certified as a hearing officer, and opened his own law practice, including working as a legislative agent (lobbyist).

As a frequent participant in continuing education, Mark has been a presenter for over thirty national and state organizations and private companies as the:

  • Kentucky Bar Association
  • Kentucky Office of the Attorney General
  • National Attorneys General Training and Research Institute, and
  • Federation of Associations of Regulatory Boards.

This also includes multiple, national health care organizations, including the:

  • Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards
  • Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy
  • National Council of State Boards of Nursing
  • National Association of State Emergency Medical Services Officials
  • National Association of State Contractors Licensing Agencies, and;
  • American Association of Veterinary State Boards.

Mark was the founding presenter for “Navigating Ethics and Law for Mental Health Professionals,” a continuing education training approved by five Kentucky mental health licensure boards. He also founded “The Kentucky Code of Ethical Conduct: Ethical Practice; Risk Management, and; the Code of Ethical Conduct” as an approved, state-mandated continuing education for social workers offered as a video-on-demand.

Mark has now worked for all three branches of state government having worked since June 2018 as the Enforcement Counsel for the Kentucky Legislative Ethics Commission, an independent regulatory body that oversees 138 elected state legislators and nearly 800 registered lobbyists. Continuing as an ethics attorney, Mark is also the contract counsel for the Ethics Commission of the Louisville Metro Government, a city and county merged government, the largest city in Kentucky, and the 45th largest metropolitan statistical area in the United States.

Mark focuses on representing health care practitioners before licensure boards and in other professional regulatory matters and representing children as Guardian ad Litem and parents as Court Appointed Counsel in confidential child dependency, neglect, and abuse proceedings and termination of parental rights proceedings in family court.

Andrew Gager, CMRP, CPIM, CAMA, CRL            

Andrew has been recognized as an industry leading expert in facilitation, global implementations of maintenance systems, supply chain, and operations best practices with over 25 years of manufacturing experience ranging from warehousing operations to plant management. Andrew specializes in optimizing operations, maintenance best practices, materials management and has facilitated dozens of International improvement initiatives. Currently Andrew is Managing Director with Nexus Global where his focus is developing, implementing, and supporting reliability-based solutions within the overall Asset Performance Management strategy. 

As an accredited “Certified Maintenance Reliability Professional” (CMRP), “Certified in Production and Inventory Management “(CPIM), “Certified Reliability Leader” (CRL), “Six Sigma Green Belt” (CSSGB), and Certified Asset Management Assessor (CAMA). Andrew regularly presents at conferences and delivers training workshops globally. Mr. Gager receives accolades for his unique presentation style and understanding of adult learning styles in delivering sustainable competency results and served as an adjunct facilitator at North Carolina State University (NCSU). Mr. Gager is also a certified proctor for the CMRP and CAMA exams

Andrew is also a renowned author with articles published in numerous trade magazines and referenced as a contributing expert in the field of Leadership, Change Management, MRO management, and Overall Operational Improvement.  Andrew currently submits commentary for a quarterly column in a series of popular trade publications

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